Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic
Clinical Pharmacist, BScPhm NCMP; Author of Clinical Guide to Probiotic Products
Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic
Dragana Skokovic –Sunjic is a Clinical Pharmacist with Hamilton Family Health Team. In addition to her collaborative clinical practice, she is a leader in knowledge mobilization for probiotics in Canada and United States. Translating scientific research in this field, she authored ‘Clinical Guide to Probiotic Supplements Available in Canada’ and ‘Clinical Guide to Probiotic Products Available in the US’ since 2008. This practical clinical tool is independently reviewed and updated annually in order to reflect the latest evidence and include new probiotic products on Canadian and US market. Her project had been presented, published and recognized internationally, receiving numerous awards and recognition.
Canadian version of the Clinical Guide to Probiotics can be found at www.probioticchart.ca and US version at www.usprobioticguide.com