Anurag Pande

Vice President of Scientific Affairs, Sabinsa
Anurag Pande, Ph.D.
Dr. Pande has been with Sabinsa’s sister company, Sami Labs, since 2004 in a research capacity, and spent several years at Sabinsa Japan’s Tokyo office as Senior Technical Manager.
Today, Dr. Pande works from Sabinsa’s Corporate HQ based in East Windsor, NJ, USA. Dr. Pande holds a Ph.D. in Phytochemistry from RML Awadh University. He has both a Masters Degree in Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from Lucknow University. He is the author of several trade and peer-reviewed publications.
By applying his chemistry knowledge to the ingredients Sabinsa promotes, he brings a refreshing viewpoint of understanding how these ingredients work. In his current capacity, Dr. Pande helps with technical marketing, delivers talks on various health benefits, provides worldwide regulatory support of Sabinsa’s portfolio of ingredients, as well as closely working with customers to help them develop new products and formulations in a time bound manner.