To foster networking and idea sharing, we are holding intimate roundtables on both days with our Editorial Advisors and select speakers. Table topics are listed below along with the sign-up link. Please note we will make our best effort to assign you to your first choice, but space is limited and registrants will be assigned to tables on a first come first serve basis.
DAY 1: Wed., Aug. 26, 1 to 1:30 p.m. ET
TABLE 1: Synthetic Biology: Key to a Healthier Planet—or Threat to Organic?
SynBio (aka GMO 2.0) is championed by some as a more sustainable way to grow crops, but the use of synthetic biology in natural products—and the lack of transparency—raises serious concerns for others. TABLE HOST: Maggie Jaqua, Editor-in-Chief, WholeFoods Magazine
TABLE 2: Sustainable paradoxes: Ethical conflicts in sourcing and production
The business of sustainable production is filled with potential ethical conflicts, paradoxes, and trade-offs. This interactive roundtable begins to address some of those conflicts and looks at how companies must take sustainability issues into account in a pragmatic way in every part of their business. TABLE HOST: Nathan Gray, Science & Technical Director, Trust Transparency Center
TABLE 3: Sustainable biotech: Exploring the opportunities and technologies for a sustainable future
With so much focus on creating a more sustainable food system, there has been a jump in innovation and technology looking to find new solutions to age-old problems. How can a new wave of biotechnologies focused on environmentally friendly production of foods impact the system? In this roundtable we look at the how companies are using a mixture of cutting-edge science and traditional technologies like fermentation to create a more sustainable food system. TABLE HOST: Steve Osborn BSc (Hons), M.Phil, Director & Technology Scout
DAY 2: Thurs., Aug. 27, 12:45 to 1:15 p.m. ET
TABLE 1: Transitioning Supply Chains to Regenerative
Exploring possible key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive rewarding results. Join this discussion to exchange valuable insights and ideas. TABLE HOST: Tom Newmark, Co-Founder, The Carbon Underground and Maggie Jaqua, Editor-in-Chief, WholeFoods Magazine
TABLE 2: Plant-based diets: Fad or mainstream evolution?
Much attention has been given to the growing popularity of plant-based food and drink over the last couple of years, with research showing benefits to the health of both people and the planet. The diets are appealing even amongst those who are not committed to reducing or eliminating animal products from their diets. But is this a trend that will continue to gain mainstream evolution, or is this a fad that will ultimately peak in the not-too-distant future? Moreover, what opportunities exist and what challenges will be faced by the market because of COVID-19 and a recession? TABLE HOST: Mike Hughes, FMCG Gurus and Nathan Gray, Science & Technical Director, Trust Transparency Center