Gencor Pacific
7801 North Lamar Blvd, E210
Austin, TX 78752
Contact: Maggie McNamara maggie@gencorpacific.com
Gencor and its worldwide partners supply branded, clinically researched botanical ingredients designed to support the changing health needs of all life’s stages. Rooted in Ayurvedic tradition, Gencor’s high-quality, potent, GRAS ingredients and herbs go through rigorous scientific analysis and are manufactured in GMP-certified conditions. Gencor’s growing list of partners include Pharmako, Linnea, Bionap, Vinh Hoan, and Pharmactive. These partnerships allow Gencor to offer an extensive list of ingredients and innovative technologies that are changing and advancing the way ingredients are used. Learn more about Gencor’s ingredient offerings, product applications, newest technologies, and commitment to a transparent supply chain.