Paula Simpson

Paula Simpson
Paula Simpson is a holistic beauty expert who has integrated her expertise in biochemistry, nutrition, herbal medicine and beauty to drive innovation within the medical, wellness and personal care sectors. With global recognition as a formulation expert for nutrition- based skincare (nutricosmetics,) Paula has dedicated her time in innovating and educating on the importance of nutrition to promote healthy skin and natural beauty.
Formally recognized as a leading innovator in natural beauty, she has combined her scientific and holistic background to create some of the most successful nutricosmetic and beauty wellness brands available today.
At the forefront of science and clinical research in the area of skin nutrition, she is a regularly sought-after expert and has contributed her time to programs including E! News, Entertainment Tonight, MSNBC, Good Morning America, KTLA, ABC and Fox News and publications with Allure, Alternative Medicine, Huffington Post, InStyle, Mindbodygreen, New Beauty Magazine, PopSugar, Readers Digest, Refinery 29, Rodale Organic Life and more. She is a microbiome expert and author of “Good Bacteria for Healthy Skin; Nurturing Your Skin Microbiome for Clear & Luminous Skin.” (2019, Ulysses Press)