CEO, NuTraditions and President, Nuherbs
Wilson Lau
Wilson Lau is the founder and CEO of NuTraditions which combines his grandmother’s Traditional Chinese Medicine practices with high-tech formulations and modern convenience. He also heads the leading Chinese herb ingredient supplier, Nuherbs, and is the third generation of his family in the business. Wilson has been a member of the American Herbal Products Association Board (AHPA) of Trustees since 2008, and has held various leadership roles within that organization. He also participates in botanical sustainability initiatives in China. Wilson received a J.D from Santa Clara University School of Law in 2003, and graduated from Macalester College in 2000, with a B.A. in Economics and Geography. He was honored with the AHPA Hero award, which recognizes individuals who make outstanding contributions to AHPA committees or initiatives, in 2020.