142 Belmont Drive, Unit 14, Somerset, NJ 08873-1204, USA

Contact: Sameer (Sam) Joshi, sameer@cepham.com

Cepham was founded in 1978 as part of India’s science and technology boom. Its early focus was on sharing the healing powers of Ayurvedic ingredients for health and wellness with worldwide consumers. Identifying new and active ingredients in Ayurvedic plants continues to be the focus of the company’s pioneering work, with headquarters in Somerset, New Jersey, and manufacturing bases in India, China, and Africa. As an innovator in using blockchain technology, by being one of the first in the natural products industry to partner with TagOne®, Cepham received the 2021 NBJ Award for Supply Chain Transparency. Cepham is a truly vertically integrated ingredient company, handling everything from research to clinical studies, to manufacturing to distribution, for herbal extracts, branded ingredients, and phytochemicals with the goal to shorten the supply chain and make dietary supplements affordable.