Distinguished Professor, Supply Chain Management; Fellow, Decision Sciences Institute; President, Production & Operations Management Society; D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University
Nada R Sanders, PhD
Dr. Sanders is an internationally recognized thought leader and expert on forecasting, global supply chains, risk and resilience, and human-technology integration. She is the Distinguished Professor at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. Throughout her career Dr. Sanders has successfully held a range of leadership roles in both academic and professional organizations, is an award winning scholar, has served on numerous executive boards, and is a frequently called upon keynote speaker. She has consulted with leading organizations, including Amazon, Dell, Kinaxis, Lego, and many others.
She is author of seven books, including The Humachine: Humankind, Machines, and the Future of Enterprise, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2024), is highly published in leading scholarly journals, including, Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Production and Operations Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, and was ranked as World’s Top 2% of Scientist by Stanford Study.
She is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute, has served on the Board of Directors of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), and is immediate Past-President of the Production Operations Management Society (POMS), an organization that in 2020 created an award in her name for her contribution. She is a frequent keynote speaker, has consulted with numerous Fortune 100 companies, and serves on the Board of Economic Advisors of the Association of Industries of Massachusetts (AIM).